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Having the family over for.., sardines?

It is a joy to have friends and family over for an afternoon meal, football and evening campfires and libations. How though do you stack them in for a sleep over? Well, it's not difficult.

The sofa folds out so that's two of them out of the way. The dining table drops down and a couple of children to t'weens could go there. You and your special someone of course sleep on the master bed unless you are really generous, then you sleep on the sofa and "meet the bars". The rest need to be a bit more adventurous, that is, a sleeping bag, or an air mattress, in a tent.

If that option doesn't work for the less-than-outdoorsy type, then the campground or resort usually has a rental cabin, camper or yurt available, and perhaps even at a discount for their paying customers. Reserve early for holidays and special events, the rentals fill up fast.

All in all, that makes at least 6 to 8, or more, that could comfortably come and visit, sleep over.., then leave! Yeah, that is an important part of the process.

LiveCampWORX for families too!

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